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Explorez 11548 employeurs et 48037 évaluations
Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)
Industrie : Extraction minière, pétrole, gaz
basé sur 136 évaluations
I worked for this company for 14 years, In the beginning the company and management was family orientated and cared for their employee's. New management began to take over as the owner of the company began to take a back seat. The new management, in recent years is the worst that I have seen in a large corporation. The company lost the vision of the owner, and the ability to communicate with the employee's. Management turned to finger pointing and lost its ability to listen and decided to rule with an iron fist. The field personal are treated as second class and are tasked with unreachable goals. Along with mass expenditures of unneeded properties and an over abundance of head office staff, the company lost it way. After 14 yrs and knowing most people in the company, there was not so much as a good by from management nor any contact of any sort from head office. The company will need a complete change of management and get back to basics when the patch decides to come back as the current regime has done nothing to keep its valued employee's. Good luck in the future as they will need it.
Publié le 28 mars 2015 par Évaluateur #146 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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Was on a crew for one of their "frac" jobs. They seemed from the beginning to be plagued with indecision, stoppages, and general confusion and lack of preparedness. this reached a head of course when a terrible injury occurred and a man was drenched with liquid nitrogen. Was 20 feet away and saw him dragged away unresponsive. Faulty N2 queen used, parked next to a cab with the vent facing the cab, overfilled and the poor guy was trapped in his cab being filled with N2. Heard many operators were not current in N2 certs. Hope the guy is okay. Never did hear how he was or even if he made it as Sanjel was all hush hush.
Publié le 8 décembre 2015
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second, third and fourth that one!!!!!
Publié le 5 mai 2015
SCHLUMBERJEL what a joke this once proud company has become. Head office full of schlumberger people who by the way still all have their jobs. Junior running daddy's company and failing miserably at it. To him you are all just numbers they preach family values what a joke the only family they care about is theirs. They sure did not care about all the senior people who they let go. GO team SCHLUMBERJEL pride by performance what a joke.
Publié le 5 avril 2015
Publié le 31 mars 2015
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