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Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)
Industrie : Commerce de détail
basé sur 86 évaluations
I absolutely loved my job at Starbucks; I worked at one in Windsor from September 2013 until June 2014. I would've loved to continue working at Starbucks but unfortunately my manager was not professional and uncaring to his employees. I had started another job end of April 2014 (my second summer, a position he knew I was taking in early March 2014). After a few weeks of getting shifts outside of my availability, I gave in 3 weeks notice. I wanted to leave on a good note but I couldn't handle the 2 full time jobs and was frustrated I kept getting shifts outside of my availability. Due to the fact that I had to give shifts away and switch with other partners, my manager was upset I did so (even though it is completely 100% allowed as long as a partner is working that shift and that partner has not gone over 40 hours already that week). Thanks to of my lovely (not) manager, I was put on the "Do not Hire" list. After trying to talk to my district manager, who was not interesting in helping me, I finally gave up hope of working at a place I not only loved, I had to say goodbye to ever working with my friends and fellow partners again. Starbucks is a wonderful place to work at, my only request: Starbucks please hire better managers!
Publié le 24 mars 2015 par Évaluateur #79 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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