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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Bank, Insurance, Financial services

  • This is a company truly worthy of a minus five star rating, there is so little that has been done right in the past five years. We used to be so proud of working there and the growth both personally and as a new company....then the management changed it direction, entry to the US, taking on TECP with limited staff, bringing ISS/IP areas together (like oil and water) and the final straw outsourcing to India.....just plain poorly thought out major changes in the business model that continues to blow up. The Banks (RBC/TDCT/BMO) ---- the Board of Directors that oversees Symcor for all three banks will likely soon sell off the ISS/IP business or take it back in house. BNS a direct client of Symcor almost did it this year for ISS and forced Symcor to drop its rate by 15% and the agreements with RBC/TDCT/BMO resulted in all recieving the same pricing. And this is for the part of the business (ISS) that has never been a profitable business and now taking a direct 15% hit.....

    For those of us that have moved on and found there are places to work that value their people and don't demand 15 hour days/weekend (for no pay), with workloads that can be done without causing heartattacks (there were so many gave too much and health suffered), Symcor does not look after it people nor do the management care.

    Posted on 19 September 2011 by Rater #144 | Flag as inappropriate

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ISS and then IP taken back in house or to Intria....

Posted on 23 September 2011

Sold off the US business. Which target will be next?

Posted on 23 September 2011

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