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Explorez 11546 employeurs et 48033 évaluations
Taille de l'entreprise : Moyenne (50 - 499 employés)
Industrie : Hébergement, Services de restauration
basé sur 16 évaluations
I work at an older location that is always in need of repair. The young management likes putting down staff so they feel important and stand around chatting instead of helping other staff. Incompetence is tolerated to the detriment of other staff who have to pick up the slack so there is no incentive to work hard. Effort and performance are never rewarded or even recognized so morale is generally quite low. Management needs more training. I consider transferring to other locations or changing restaurants on a weekly basis. The money is what keeps me around. Staff who have been around for years know what they can get away with and are VERY lazy. Staff discount is the best in the business. If you like drinking excessively, you will get along with most people. We love to party. Tips are generally good unless you are awful at your job. If you are awful, don’t worry. You won’t get fired.
Publié le 8 avril 2018 par Évaluateur #16 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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