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Victoria Hyundai (Hometown Motors)

Size of company: Small (1 - 49 employees)

Industry: Motor Vehicules (sales, parts, services)

  • Unfortunately we did not use-do dilligence prior to accepting this endeavour which brings one to this conclusion..Hindsight is 20-20...Since we had no criteria benchmarks to go on of prior experiences at VICTORIA HYUNDAI we are at a quandary as to why that might be. Many before us did not either know of the RateMyEmployer website or were too consumed by their getting to another "just over broke" (JOB) job to even consider taking time to "VIEW" RateMyEmployer..Urgency to get another job and it's issues render this observation. We however in our excitement of acquiring these new jobs made tactically strategic "mistakes" as what many fail to not "background check employers" as to NOT assimilate by simply asking the "right" or should we say "GET" the corrective and assertive questions & answers prior to joining a company hence; were ONLY "told" (revealed) when we departed there. The turnover (retention ratio) "@" at VICTORIA HYUNDAI in these essentially non sales position(s) were allegedly "covered up" or not disclosed in subsequent interviews that entailed previously. We assert that if this company (VICTORIA HYUNDAI) followed it's core values or at least adjusted to reality in real time in real terms and actually valued those contributions of all; many would have remained. This lends insight of many Victoria employers who only see one bottom line but fail to see the unseen unintended consequences plus losses in productivity and in public relations in Victoria city- style mindset where we tell someone and they tell six (6) more in tandem fold. Many would return if empowerment, respect for the individual and a concerted effort of key people really cared.

    Posted on 27 March 2011 by Rater #1 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 14 1


again, another ridiculous chain. Does anything on this forum even make sense. Thaks for nothing, oh wait, this site did something, it wasted my time :)

Posted on 28 June 2012

This forum is entertaining. The discussions of the dim witted and disengaged. What are we here for again. Oh yeah, we got to fight,
For the right, to party.

Posted on 26 May 2012

Rater 1 is rambling and incoherent. Jesus! My former school teachers would mark this all over in red ink and put a big fat "D" on it. I had to read it 3 times to filter out the junk to get to the real meaning. The original form was a torture to read.

Posted on 10 May 2012

Comment 7 you make no sense. Please consider that most thoughts make sense and adjust your diatribe accordingly.

Posted on 5 May 2012

just rated as one of BC's "best 50" employers

Posted on 9 April 2012

People do look things up on whatever days or times they happen to look things up. They do things or not whenever they feel like it or not. Who's to say who goes first or last?

Posted on 15 March 2012

Admin here: All of these comments seem to be coming up on the same day, is it the same person writing this? Please note that deliberate intent to mislead this forum is a clear violation of the terms and conditions of "ratemyemployer.com" Please be advised that anonymity does not protect your identification and that comments that are defamatory will not be tolerated.

Posted on 27 February 2012

Not such a bad place. Although still learning, mostly just a bunch of motivated people working to do their best. It's tough to please everyone, but in the end we all have a choice.

Posted on 26 February 2012

I was interested in a car due to car accident and ICBC. I too got some bad vibe feelings from the "deal". The staff that I saw didn't seem that happy and had sour expressions on their faces. I felt like I was signing a contract with the forces of darkness, I trusted my gut instinct and used my exit tactics. I agree with comment 2.

Posted on 10 November 2011

Posted on 16 April 2011

Well, bloated comment rating or not, I get the impression Victoria Hyundai really is disgruntled slave labour. I was a potential buying customer and potential job applicant with them at one time or another. I backed away from them because their "vibe" just felt off to me. Something was not right with them. I withdrew my application and turned down their car sales deal.

Posted on 16 April 2011

WTF! This is the most over bloated comment I have ever read. Keep it simple stupid. Get to the point as simple and fast as possible! Victoria Hyundai is really slave driving. They give you too much to do and not enough time to do things, then yell at you for taking too long to do your tasks. Then you quit the job because you don't like management attitude. There! That was simple wasn't it?

Posted on 28 March 2011

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