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Size of company: Small (1 - 49 employees)
Industry: Motor Vehicules (sales, parts, services)
based on 8 ratings
Presently dealership is being micromanaged. Stress is super high with a huge demand on sales. Management threatens new staff with job loss if they aren't producing the expected numbers. Employees are expected to sell services based on timetables which are not the manufacturers recommendations. Customer satisfaction is failing; parking lot isn't large enough, car wash facilities are lacking and shop is generally overbooked in the mornings. Customers have upon occasion had to wait hours for service 1 (basic oil change & line). Service Advisers are understaffed and support staff were not there during peak periods. Shuttle service was great but not always available. No mission statement existed. Customers were uninformed or misinformed about policies and none are posted leaving it up to staff to make decisions not always shared by management.
Posted on 30 March 2014 by Rater #7 | Flag as inappropriate
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The problem isn't their customer reps, its the fact that they treat their customers like utter crap and ask the customer service reps to go along. To be dishonest is one thing, but to try and force your employees to do the same is classless and its an utter shame that too many good people work them
Posted on 29 December 2014
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I noticed Victoria Hyundai have a need to hire new customer service reps every 1-2 months on Craigslist, Used Victoria, and other web sites. How hard can answering questions and scheduling customer service appointments be? The CSR sits at the front desk and interact with clients by phone, email, mail, and in person. It is unnatural to replace every job position every month. People do not quite their jobs, they quit their bosses.
Posted on 11 December 2014
Micro managers don't trust anyone and treat their peers and subordinates as if they are mentally retarded children. The staff might as well be brain dead remote controlled robots. I got no responses of any kind the few times I applied at Victoria Hyundai. That shows how much they value your contribution and enthusiasm. After this information, I am glad they didn't respond or I may have to meet these people in person. They may be another company who wants to participate in the corrupt Temporary Foreign Workers Program to inport cheap slave labour after they drive all the citizen staff away?
Posted on 13 May 2014
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Business model, vision and strategy
Management's skills
Values and corporate culture
Internal communication
Work space (layout)
Recruitment, development, retention
Tasks and responsibilities
Teamwork and cooperation
Organization of work
Compensation and benefits
Schedule, work load and holidays
Work/family life balance