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Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)

Industrie : Tourisme, Voyage, Transport de passagers

  • Instead of it just being a response, I will make this a review.

    This is probably the worse company I have ever worked for. They make you try and believe that westjet is as good as it gets or will get (drinking the blue koolaid). And not only that, but my teamlead, who will remain nameless, (you know who you are) advised me in a one on one meeting with herself and the manager of the deparment that I either quit or be fired.

    It always sat wrong with me. Did a little google research and found out that could be legal grounds for wrongful dismissal.

    That's what this company is all about though. If you wanna work for people like that, go for it.

    Publié le 14 septembre 2015 par Évaluateur #134 | Signaler comme inapproprié

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