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Explorez 11555 employeurs et 48052 évaluations
Taille de l'entreprise : Grande (Plus de 500 employés)
Industrie : Tourisme, Voyage, Transport de passagers
basé sur 137 évaluations
I have very much enjoyed my time working with WestJet. Though some may not appreciate how good we have it, I feel like my contribution to the culture matters, that my coworkers work hard and are happy and that having a stable, positive workplace is a good thing.
Publié le 5 mars 2016 par Évaluateur #139 | Signaler comme inapproprié
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You have got to be drinking the koolaid that's made with Vodka. "How good we have it?"'are you joking?? Depends where you work but where I work you get treated like crap, no one cares if you live or die, you get more and more and more work piled on you YET I make less money than I did 4 years ago. Westjet is a joke and all you westjetters that are still convinced it's a decent company to work for are part of the original brainwashed cult. It's just a job. And so is pouring coffee at Tim Hortons. No difference.
Publié le 29 mars 2017
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