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Size of company: Large (More than 500 employees)

Industry: Tourism, Travel, Passenger transportation

  • I started at WestJet eager and excited to work for a company that I thought was like no other. Over the last several years, I have come to learn that this company is not the company they started out as. Employees are just a number, over worked, significantly under paid and are seen as dispensable. There is a total lack of support and professional courtesy from the various levels of management. If you’d like to get into the airline industry, do yourself a favour and look elsewhere. I’m saddened to see the mess that this company has turned into. Sadly, it’s the not the “owners care” cute and fuzzy they portray themselves to be. Everything comes down to greed and how to increase revenues.

    Posted on 9 May 2019 by Rater #142 | Flag as inappropriate

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I agree with you and it’s so sad

Posted on 7 March 2023

Hi, I'm a journalist and I'm wondering if you'd be willing to chat with me about your experiences? It can be off the record. Please email me at anyakzoledz@gmail.com.

Posted on 3 February 2020

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