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Wireless DNA

Size of company: Medium (50 - 499 employees)

Industry: Telecommunications

  • I have learnt a lot by having a career at this company. In the begining i was unsure if i had made the right decision but i can tell you that the lessons i have learnt over the years outweigh the challenges. i am an Assistant Manager at an Ethnic Mall and i am grateful to the company to help me in my immigration process which many other companies out there had refused. Each Company has Good and Bad Apples and no one works for any company for life. However if a rep is happy than they will continue their career and i am Happy to work at Wireless DNA because of the opportunities offered to me.

    Posted on 3 August 2012 by Rater #11 | Flag as inappropriate

    Was this review helpful? 43 323


Ive worked for this company and I cannot agree with original poster. They treat their employees like dogs, Pay them peanuts, and commit FRAUD. (International passports prepaid visa card as pieces of ID?) The poster of this comment will surely realize how bad this company is very shortly.

Posted on 19 September 2012

I am not sure how only one or two employees saying this company is very good. Hope its not the comment from a employee. As mentioned all good apples come to the company and leave as rotten ones. This rater will find the reality soon. Unfortunatly this rater just clicked all five stars and rated ADVANCEMENT 4......also stress level is 5......lol.....who want to have high stress and get 40k.......stress stress stress....means heart failure, diabetics, depression, so on.....I would say if the company have a courage should give the employees with a questioner regarding the companies behaviour......MUST NOT REQUEST EMPLOYEES TO PUT THEIR NAME AS THE ANSWERS WILL NOT BE REALISTIC.....EMPLOYEE SHOULD LEAVE THE NAME BLANK

Posted on 20 August 2012

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