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  • Disappointing experience with Young Driver’s Canada"
    I worked at Young Drivers of Canada full-time (Less than a year)
    They have a lot of good thinking and procedures about safe driving. They are trying but are limited in soooo many ways......
    I was told “Anyone can do this job”, and if you think about it, anyone with clean drivers license can do this job.
    Money wise, do not bother...unless you want to stay tooooo long time with them.
    Management is good, but for the office, they do not care about you, as DI!
    They are cheap!
    They count on turnover of people (driving instructors).
    Need more new, young people as management.
    Is it a union job, or a contract job, or you are paid by piece...
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    Advice to Management
    Pay your employees what they are worth.
    Allow them to claim income tax refunds for the repairs and maintenance.
    Better pay results in happier employees who want to come to work as opposed to feeling stuck and have to work for you.
    Instructors need a living wage, and need to keep up with the ever-rising costs of living.
    Instructors are not being paid enough for the amount and quality of work, and the risk we deal with every day.
    It is disconcerting to see that a scheduler who is at a desk talking on the phone to parents all day is getting paid better than front line people who risk life and limb to do the job

    Posted on 8 March 2019 by Rater #1 | Flag as inappropriate

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